We've just come out of a meeting to discuss outreach. It's really exciting and the Lord is speaking to us through many different verses from Scripture. The main ones are Isaiah 61: 1-2, 54:17 and Isaiah 30. There are others too. We feel God telling us to abide in Him.
Our deadline as a group of 15 to raise £30,000 to enable this outreach to happen is 6th March, so the heat is on! Please pray! To raise these funds, we will be selling cookies, doing carwashes and anything else we can think of. We'd love any of you to also partner with us in fundraising if you feel led to do so ... please pray about it. Perhaps your church may also be interested in getting involved. The deadline stated is for pledges, actual funding can come a little later, if need-be.
To help with our fundraising, Becky is going to be selling African arts, crafts and jewellery. Please contact us if you're interested in buying any, or promoting/selling on our behalf..
Thanks for your prayers

Thank you to everyone who prayed for Pete today. Thank you also to all those who emailed us to let us know that you're praying. It means a lot to us and we love to hear your updates too. We will respond to each email individually (when we have internet access), but please be patient if you don't hear from us the same day (things are a bit slower here!).
Pete's meeting with SU went really well and he's hoping to build good relations with them over the next few weeks and after the outreach (from June). This work would be voluntary.
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