Warm greetings from South Africa. It's actually quite chilly here at night, but daytime temperatures are comfortable (16 deg). The world cup fever is still alive, despite England and South Africa's performance! It is awesome to be here at this time with all the excitement and sound of the vuvuzelas. We feel blessed and priveledged.
However, we're not here to watch the 'soccer' as they call it here. We're working with YWAM charities based here in Cape Town. Becky is busy with Justice ACTs (Alliance of Christians Against Trafficking) to raise awareness of Human Trafficking in and around the World Cup.
Becky and colleagues have been handing out beer mats & fliers and having conversations with lots of football fans to warn them about trafficking in South Africa and asking them to report anything suspicious to the helpline number. Lots of training has been done with 'at risk' communities on how to protect themselves from being trafficked, and this training (and the drama that goes with it) has been passed on to others, to reach as many schools, churches and communities as possible, especially before the World Cup. We heard recently that over 40 girls have been rescued from traffickers in South Africa! Justice ACTs is working hard to get funding to start a safe house for those that are rescued. We hope this will start very soon and Becky is hoping to get involved. We regularly attend a 24 hour prayer room (boiler room) in Cape Town which has been set up to pray for the World Cup, especially about trafficking. We are very impressed with what the local churches have been doing and their hard work and concern.
Meantime, Pete is working with AfriCom, YWAM's communication team for Africa. He's worked with them for a week now and is really enjoying making new contacts and being part of a Africa-wide team. He'll be travelling to Angola in July to help with the development of a educational video, sharing what God is doing through YWAM in Angola.
Both of us will be back in the UK from August to October to see friends and family and share what we've been doing in person. We'd love to come and visit you and we're busy creating a diary to make sure that we can see as many friends as possible. Please let me know if we can come and see you and when it would be suitable. You can email us - peterclem@googlemail.com or send us a message on facebook!
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