Tuesday, 8 April 2014
Love feasts update
Tom emphasised the importance of eating together as a primary focus for some deeper interaction. Referencing studies of teenagers who regularly eat the evening meal together are less likely to engage in illicit behaviour - drugs, alcohol, anti-social behaviour etc - and they would be mentally and physically more healthy.
Studies have shown that teenagers who regularly eat dinner with their families are less likely to engage in illicit behavior involving drugs and alcohol and more likely to get better grades and be mentally and physically healthy.
A study done by The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse revealed that teens who eat fewer than three family dinners per week compared to those who eat five to seven a week are twice as likely to use alcohol and tobacco and one and a half times more likely to use marijuana.
(ref: Psychology Today Blog)
I think I can learn a lot from this Elder in our mission, whose passion is to serve Jesus, whatever it takes, and has a legacy of doing just that. Hearing the simplicity of what we need to do - invite people into our homes and share food with them, I'm inspired to apply that to our own ministry.
It was something that we felt strongly when we came to Muizenberg. We felt God say: open your home and make people in your midst feel welcome. Having people to dinner has always been a blessings, and somehow, there's always enough food. May God increase our capacity to welcome people into our house and be willing to share and be vulnerable in the community - to continuously humble ourselves and raise Him up.
Tom ended the Hangout with a challenge to try and have a meal together with our teams once a week; to step away from fast food; to take our time over eating and fellowship with one another.
Monday, 7 April 2014
Doing the impossible for God
Added to that, the quality of the internet across this region is terrible, so Skype/Facetime is out of reach of most.
Added to that is the fact that my wife is expecting our second child and we have a very busy family life and ministry at home to contend with.
So I'm seeking wisdom on how to bring face-to-face valuable communication without continuously travelling!
Please keep me in your prayers.
Keeping it simple
Just this morning, I read: “Now listen! Today I am giving you a choice between life and death, between prosperity and disaster. For I command you this day to love the LORD your God and to keep his commands, decrees, and regulations by walking in his ways. If you do this, you will live and multiply, and the LORD your God will bless you and the land you are about to enter and occupy." Deuteronomy 30:15-16
That command hasn't changed. You must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind. Luke 10:27
The bit I think most of us find hard is the working out our salvation, as Paul describes it in Philippeans 2:12. It's the obeying, despite everything we see around us; the following whatever the cost.
I've come home today to rest in his presence and spend some time thinking on these things and seeing if I can take steps towards raw obedience. I think I've over-complicated my life!
Tuesday, 25 March 2014
Praying for Zimbabwe
Wednesday, 19 March 2014
Preparing for my next trip
I'm about to head off to Livingstone in Zambia to meet with leaders working across South Central Africa. I have met some of them before, but I've never been in a position to teach them...until now!
I'm nervous and keep staring at blank pieces of paper entitled: key messages that I want to give. Aaaargh. A few days to go and I'm really not ready. Please, Lord, help me now!
Saturday, 15 March 2014
Learning to be more deliberate
Friday, 14 March 2014
Missing the true leaders in our midst
Watching children is a very interesting activity. You see a crude reflection of adulthood. The kids are much more obvious with their selfishness, greed, anger and thoughtlessness. Yet when we look around us what do we see? Which leaders of nations do we elect? Which leaders of churches? Certainly not the most humble, selfless characters in our midst.
I'm currently processing how I teach my three year old son about the world. It is especially pronounced as he is such a gentle character. He loves sharing and giving. He is really out going and extroverted. However, to other kids who don't understand these virtues, he looks like a pushover. Rather than being admired by his peers, they push him around somewhat.
Then I look at the Christian communities around me and see that we admire the loud, extroverted, bold leaders who are confident and self assured. Meanwhile the humble, servant hearted people are overlooked and sometimes even mocked.
We want the 'go getters', the self-made fighters.
Yet what does the Bible say?
A friend wrote this on her Facebook wall today:
Jesus didn't choose scholars to be his first ambassadors. He chose social outcasts and despised criminals who were merely willing to abandon all they had to receive all he had to give.
The Bible doesn't promise us fame or fortune in this world. In fact the promises are so much greater, but they're not offered to the bold and braizen.
Blessed are you who are poor,
For yours will be the Kingdom of God
Blessed are you who hunger now for you will be satisfied
Blessed are you who weep now for you will laugh
Blessed are you when men hate you
When they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil because of the Son of Man.
Luke 6:20-22
Reading this list of beatitudes, I realise that I need not look at or lament what I see around me. The value that others put on my son and what people hold as valuable in a worldly sense is irrelevant compared to the value that God puts in those that just lay it all down for him, whatever our social standing.
Though it may be tough, Lord help me walk the right path to righteousness.
And help me to teach my son to do the same.
Wednesday, 12 March 2014
Love feasts
As I have travelled to different regions and operating locations, I find that the term exists widely but is used in a variety of contexts. It was odd to me that such a name exists but nobody really had a pure definition of what it meant. Some places it was a reward - a meal as a gift to a team returning from outreach. Other places it was used an excuse for a party. Yet I'd never been to one where the focus was on a sober, but intentional meal in preparation for the Sabbath.
It filled me with joy, therefore, today to receive the latest edition of the International YWAMer with an article from Tom Bloomer, entitled How Did YWAM Love Feasts Begin? explaining the history behind the concept. It appears that the name has travelled well, but the purpose and value behind why they're important hasn't.
This touched my heart, especially, as God has really been challenging me this year to step up as a man, husband and father (taking more responsibility) and taking the Sabbath more seriously. This is a year for really exploring what it means to rest in His presence. It's a year for developing, deepening and maturing. It's a year of preparation what God has instore for me.
I love this soaking in His presence. As charismatic as that may sound, for me that is manifest in reading my Bible and taking walks along the sea front, allowing him to speak to me in the quietness of the moment. It's also in group fellowship - meeting with friends, sharing coffee and asking them how God has impacted their lives and what we need to give thanks for.
I don't have my ministry all figured out. I don't even know how it's going to look in six months time. All I know is that He is true, trustworthy and someone I want to follow and spend time with.
What a joy it is to be serving Him in this way.
Monday, 17 February 2014
Measuring the Land
I haven't even begun to scratch the surface on this. Yet I believe God will guide me in his timing as to how to build up the ministry of AfriCom to His Glory.
As far as I can see, this year is going to be about travelling. I already have plans to visit West Africa (Togo) and South Central Africa (Zambia) in the first half of this year. Please pray with me that I can raise the funds to travel and that I'm walking in obedience to where He is leading me.
Friday, 31 January 2014
Knowing God's timing
As missionaries, we have certain domestic (i.e. from our home in the uk) financial matters to deal with. My brother-in-law does a fantastic job of opening our post and scanning it, sending it to us by email so that I can respond to all enquiries that come in.
However, there was an issue that didn't seem to have a solution remotely. It felt that, whilst email and phonecalls worked in some cases, here the matter just wasn't being resolved. So I prayed, "Lord, if you want me to go home to sort out this problem, then please guide me - and pay for my ticket!". Within a day, I had a relative call up and offer to provide money for this particular problem. Though she didn't say it, the money just so happened to be the price of a return ticket back home. So I booked the ticket and left for home!
Knowing that I've been praying about many things, particularly to do with mission work, that haven't been (apparently) answered in the past months and even years, I was keen to find out what God's purpose for this trip would be (over and above sorting out my personal issue).
So, I held it up to him. And he spoke. And what happened: he brought me to my knees. He reminded me of the things I'd said. He showed me how I had forgotten his promises in one area of my life and showed me how I had backtracked on my promises to him. I was broken. But I was free. I was free from the burden of having to carry this sin. God gave me an open door to confession and repentance. He even gave me a mechanism in which to begin. I am now walking that road of repentance and it feels really good.
Reading this, you might wonder: "what is it that he did?" If you really want to know the details, just email me and I'll tell you! But I think it's more important that I show you the impact of what hearing His voice and being obedient does:
Rather than raising me up to be great, he raised himself up, putting himself back in the position he should be - to be worshipped, adored and served. At the same time, I was humbled, as He showered his love, affection and forgiveness on me. Praise God.