
Wednesday, 6 January 2016

A new year, the beginning of a new season

This is going to be one of those years with big changes: clearing our house and finishing our work in South Africa and going straight from here to the Philippines. Muizenberg has been a wonderful place to live for the past 6 years and we'll miss it terribly. Our new home will be in Cebu, Philippines. We will have to develop new contacts, new friends and new jobs. We'll still be with YWAM, but in a very different context.

Over the next few months, Pete will be winding down his work with AfriCom and handing the ministry over to the eldership for them to consider its future. Becky will train up staff at S-Cape with her skills and knowledge so that they can continue the work that she started.

Reflecting back...

Six years ago we left our jobs and house in the UK to follow our dreams and calling, we came to Muizenberg, South Africa to do our Discipleship Training School (DTS), which was so amazing and life changing! It's hard to imagine that it's been six years ... but so much has happened in that time. We've seen lots of miracles, made wonderful friends and, my favourite - had two beautiful children! God has blessed us beyond our imagination! Thank you Jesus ♡

Saturday, 2 January 2016

Happy New Year 2016

Wow, Cape Town is voted Most Beautiful City in the world (Buzzfeed), and I can totally see why. It is an honour and privilege to live here. Can't believe we've been here for 6 years - that flew by!